Outdoor Club
The Outdoor Club is an opportunity to join in with people who enjoy a wide array of outdoor activities and appreciate God’s creation from a front row view! Activities include our popular wild game dinners and cooking classes as well as  fishing derbies, hiking, hunting, canoeing, kayaking, and much more. We also conduct NH Hunter Safety Education courses twice per year, and usually have a special event every month.

There Are Spots Still Available – Sign Up Today!


The Outdoor Club of Raymond Baptist Church is pleased to host the annual back-yard maple sugaring class from 1:00pm-4:00pm on Saturday February 22nd.  This event is family friendly and is for beginners who may want to try maple syrup production for themselves. The instruction will include how to identify and properly tap maple trees, sap collection and storage methods, boiling techniques and temperatures, finishing and storing the final product.  This is an interactive event that is perfect for homeschoolers and families looking for a fun afternoon.  Much of the class will be spent outdoors so dress for the weather and woodland conditions.  This event does require prior registration by signing up, to sign up you can email Marion@raymondbaptistchurch.comcastbiz.net   or calling Raymond Baptist Church at 603-895-2859.  Invite your friends!


RBC OUTDOOR CLUB March 22nd TURKEY HUNTING SEMINAR: SIGN UP TODAY AT: NH Fish and Game https://nhfishgame.com/2024/03/04/register-today-to-learn-how-to-hunt-wild-turkeys-3/   OR CONTACT: Josh Mackay: (603) 271-0459. – Register for a special turkey-hunting program co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and your local National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) chapter. This workshop is designed for new or novice turkey hunters in preparation for the 2025 spring turkey hunting season, which opens on May 1 and runs through May 31. The workshop is dedicated to teaching attendees everything required to have a safe and successful turkey hunt, including choosing a shotgun and ammunition, scouting for birds, how and when to call, what gear is needed, the regulations that apply to turkey hunting, and much more.

Outdoor Club Ministry Leader
Les Houston